Friday, February 25, 2011

Cow Eye Disection and Bacon Buddies!

Today in science we had to dissect a cow eye! It was terrible. I was partners with my friend Michaela. We took turns cutting it and stuff... it was so gross! Oh, and my friends Sophie, Emily and I are bacon buddies. LOL! Since I have a lot of time, I might as well tell you how the bacon buddies were born! Okay that sounded weird. But you know what I meant. Haha anyways... one day at chorus, Sophie and I didn't have the lyrics to this once song and we had no idea what the words were, so we just started singing the word bacon over and over again to the beat of the song. Then after that, it was our little inside joke. I wrote bacon on my math journal, and all over other stuff. After awhile, we transformed (okay, that sounded weird again) into bacon buddies! And my friend Emily is a bacon buddy, too! Sophie is bacon buddy number one, I'm number two, and Emily is number three. It goes in order of height! Well, we didn't do that on purpose, it just worked out that way. Emily is the tallest, I'm in the middle, and Sophie is the shortest. Well I have to go! Cya! Hopefully another blog post tomorrow! :)


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