Wednesday, January 19, 2011

American Idol

So... I'm doing the post that I said I might do! Haha. Well, right now I'm watching American Idol. I don't really like it as much anymore, since they don't have the same judges anymore. They have Randy Jackson, Jennifer Lopez, and some other guy I don't know.

I think the judges can be kind of mean sometimes. Like, they're not down right mean, but one in a while they come off a bit rude. Maybe it's just me... haha.

Oh, and that thingy that I went to with my friends wasn't canceled! We played a game called Spoons. I don't really feel like explaining it, since I'm kinda tired. What a lame excuse. But if you're really dying to know, which I doubt you are, here's a link. Click here to read about Spoons!

Anyways... I'm going to go back to watching American Idol. Cya!


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