Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Sorry I didn't make a post yesterday. I wish I had an excuse, but really, I don't. Haha. Well, right now I'm not feeling too well. I have a headache. Oh, and I'm drinking iced tea. Can you tell I have nothing to talk about? Oh... well, my friend said he'd be right back (while he was texting me) and it's been like an hour. Yea. Ohemgee! Today I realized I kind of have a German accent. Like, when I'd say "yea," I'd pronounce it weird. Like, with an accent. Yea. Okay, this blog post is going nowhere, hahahahaha. This ice tea is good. It's lemon green tea. Mmmmmm! Haha. Do you like iced tea? You better. If you don't, we aren't friends anymore. Just kidding. So... today when I went to a classroom on my floor, I was looking through the window on the door, and someone popped up. That person just happened to be someone I thought was cute. I don't like him, I just find him attractive. Anyways, I screamed really weirdly and my friend said I had a strange look on my face. Oh, and another thing is that I started training to be a K.O.P., and yea... it's okay, I just don't like where I'm 'stationed.' HAHAHAHAHAHA my house just got a call from someone who's last name is Schweeble. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Sorry if your last name is Schweeble, and you just got offended. But man, your last name is messed up. This blog post is really random... if you couldn't tell. Well, I'm gonna go. I think I'm having dinner soon. It smells like dinner. No, really, it smells like someone is cooking.


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