Monday, January 24, 2011

I've Changed My Mind A Bit

I decided I'll post everyday except Sunday... I don't know, if you couldn't tell already, I change my mind easily. Anyways, this blog isn't all about changing my mind, haha! I'm going to talk about the mall. So fun! Unless you're a boy. Well, if you're a boy, you probably aren't reading this. Actually, you might like the mall even if you're a boy. Oh my gosh, I'm getting off track.

Okay, so now getting to the mall... My favourite store in the mall has to be either Bath and Body Works, or Hollister. I love Hollister's clothing, and I love Bath and Body Works' scents and lotions and things like that. I probably own more clothes than anything, like most people. And, the second thing I own most of is probably either lotions and body sprays. Or chapstick...

Haha, well, I have to take a shower! (Yea, there I go again, ending it by saying I have to take a shower... at least it's not a lie, and at least it's not leaving to do homework. Teehee!) Cya!


(P. S. - Check out my friend's website here! Just click 'here'! Haha. Thank you!)

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